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Two Tips To Consider Before Painting A Child's Bedroom

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There is something about the return of warm weather during spring which encourages homeowners to get busy tackling their list of home chores. As a first-time homeowner who wants to engage their local interior painting service to refresh the children’s bedrooms with a new coat of paint, have you fully considered the ramifications of this decision? Here are two tips you need to know before you make any decisions regarding the painting of a child’s bedroom.…

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Themes You Can Consider for Your Office's Colour Scheme

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Although most homeowners will take the time to pick out the perfect colour scheme for their home, not many think that their offices should be given the same consideration. Instead, whites tend to be the most popular colour scheme for commercial spaces because some people tend to think that an office needs to appear sterile and pristine. But this is an incorrect assumption. Your employees spend the majority of their day at the office.…

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